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Additional Information

Here are some other relevant links: 


The Constitution

The Constitution, as amended since 1901, may be found on the Federal Register of Legislation operated on behalf of the Commonwealth. On this website the Constitution may be viewed, copied or downloaded. Details of amendments of the Constitution may also be obtained.


The Constitution Education Fund Australia (CEFA)

CEFA is a non profit organisation that seeks to increase public understanding, awareness and appreciation of the constitutional framework of Australia. Its Constitutional Forum (CCF) contains articles written in non-technical language about issues affecting the Constitution.


Parliamentary Education Office (PEO)

PEO has a very useful website about the Constitution and all aspects of the Federal Parliament


The Australian Public Law Blog  (APL)

APL was established in 2015 as a public platform for academics and practitioners to engage with the community and each other on important and current public law issues.  The subject matter of the blog, public law,  is wider than constitutional law dealing with subjects such as administrative law.  While the blogs are very readable, their language and subject matter are a little more technical than the material on CEFA and PEO.


High Court of Australia

The High Court website contains a great deal of useful information including the text of decisions and summaries of decisions.  The monthly High court Bulletin contains a record of recent High Court decisions.

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